Gregory Noel O'Donoghue '54/'87 Endowed Scholarship

Gregory Noel O'Donoghue '54/'87 Endowed Scholarship

Why did you choose to create a scholarship at Saint Leo University?
My husband, Greg, died in 2010. He attended Saint Leo Prep School in his junior and senior years and graduated in 1954. He joined the Air Force and had duty stations all over the world. We heard many stories about Saint Leo and Father Damian and others. Greg remembered his years there with great fondness. Every opportunity we had, we traveled to Saint Leo and visited the campus.

What would you like the recipients to know about the person for whom this scholarship is named?
When Greg arrived at Saint Leo he was a sad and troubled young man. His mother had died and he was not doing well at school in Orlando. It was suggested to his father that Saint Leo might be just the place to help Greg. He blossomed at Saint Leo—played football and was on the track team. He absolutely loved the lake on campus and fished there whenever he could. Although he “hated bugology” as he called it, he enjoyed the structure and the studies. Attending mass was especially meaningful to Greg and walking over to the grotto gave him a measure of peace.

What is your favorite Saint Leo story, tradition, or what Saint Leo has meant to you?
Greg and I lived down the street from each other in Orlando. We began dating when he was home from school. I was invited to go along when his father and stepmother drove to Saint Leo to visit Greg. I was so impressed with the campus and all that Greg was doing. I have great memories of those visits and Greg showing me around campus.

What Saint Leo has meant to me the most is that his experiences there prepared him to be a wonderful father. He had such devotion to the Catholic Church and its traditions. He passed his beliefs on to our five children. He was steadfastly honest in his dealings with others. He gave great example by excelling in his military career.

The story Greg was always read to tell was how proud he was to have graduated from Saint Leo Prep School and then to be among the first to graduate from Saint Leo College.

What do you hope recipients gain through this scholarship support?
I hope this scholarship support helps give the recipients the knowledge and understanding to make positive differences in their families, professions, and in the lives of others they may encounter throughout the world.
