Father Richard Cressman Scholarship

Selection Criteria:

  • Recipient must be enrolled at any Saint Leo University location;
  • Recipient must have demonstrated financial need as determined by a current and complete Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA);
  • First preference for a graduate of Cristo Rey High School in Tampa, FL;
  • There being no qualified Cristo Rey graduate in any given year, second preference will be for a rising senior (completed and passed a minimum of 90 credit hours)..

Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you a graduate of Cristo Rey High School in Tampa, Florida?
  2. Are you a rising senior?
  3. Provide a statement to support your nomination for this scholarship.
  4. I understand this scholarship will only be awarded to a student who meets the scholarship selection criteria. (To review selection criteria click on the scholarship name.)
  5. By submitting this application, I hereby acknowledge the information I have provided is correct.